Communication is a very interesting process where at least two parties exchange ideas, get to know about each other, and it is from communication where all relationships begin. It was how we build up relationships with our parents, our friends, our spouse, and every single person we might come across in any point of our life. And this is exactly why communication skills are important.
Initially, I did not perceive communication as a skill, but rather an instinctive ability born with each of us. My idea was that as long as I could get along with the people around me, I am capable of effective communication. In the sense, my definition of communication was narrow and simple.
However, as I got into school, I began to realize the broader aspects of communication. And now, being an undergraduate of NUS and nearing graduation (I am in my 3rd year), I start to appreciate the importance of effective communication, and I think about how appreciative is the working environment for this kind of ‘soft skills’ – being able to present one’s ideas in a coherent manner, clean and easy to comprehend.
To be truthful, I am not a confident and a good speaker. I often get pretty nervous prior to any presentations or interviews, or any occasions that require speaking in front of a crowd. Therefore, I figured it would be imperative for me to take the first step to train myself now, not only in terms of speaking up, as well as preparing for any skills that may be required in the near future, such as writing an application letter, preparing a proposal, working with others, etc.
By recommendation of my friend, I came across this module and decided to give it a try. I like the class the way it is so far, it is conducive for learning yet it is casual enough for sharing of ideas and getting to know new friends. I believe I will learn a lot from this module!